Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday, September 7th, 2023


At 6:30 it was 51° and cloudless at Avila. There was a slight breeze and some movement on the water. The surf was 2 foot with occasional sets of 4+ feet.  There was no power in the larger swells so it was easy to pop through them while getting out. 
The water temp was down a bit to 14°C/57°F.  Seems like a short summer...... 

I did two triangles which was about right. This being my second swim after two weeks off I was feeling a bit cold and tired when I was finishing up. In another week to 10 days I should be back to where I was before my break.  
At some point past 50 I found that if I took a break from my regular schedule my conditioning fell off of a cliff and I was going to have to climb back up that mountain when I got back into training.  It's a great motivator.  

A broken off piling was a nice place for this heron to check out the breakfast menu.

I'll swim Saturday morning at 7 and Sunday at 11.


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