Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

I'm back from traveling and seriously need to be in the water. There was no swimming where we were and I need to train and get comfortable with the water temperature.

At 7 this morning the fog was thick enough that I could barley see the first buoy when my feet were getting wet.  I needed to be about a third of the way to the next buoy before I could see it but I could see the beach and keep parallel to it and not wander about too much. The air was 55° and the water was 58°- 59°. I felt OK getting in but I was beginning to feel cold for the last quarter. There was no wind but there was a swell that would occasionally produce a 4+ foot breaker. 

From the 4th buoy I could see the end of the pier so I committed to doing two triangles. There were five boats anchored between the Avila and Cal Poly piers so I had to jog around them. You can see by my plot that the leg on the east side from the end of the pier to the forth buoy had the worst visibility. From the end of the pier I could see the lights along Front Street but nothing of the cliffs beyond or Fossil Point. When I got close enough to see a buoy it was the one on the reef so I turned in and picked up the buoy line back to the pier.

Two weeks out of the water is a long time for me. I was colder and more tired than usual but in a few weeks I expect to be back in shape.

I'll swim Thursday and Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11.  


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