Saturday, January 6, 2024

Saturday, January 6th, 2024

At 7 this morning it was 90 minutes past high tide and the surf at Avila was 6 foot plus with some that looked closer to 8 foot. The air temperature was 35° and it was breezy. Jodi and I decided to swim at Olde Port Beach but when we started to head over there I found that I had locked my keys along with my phone and gear in the car. Jodi gave me a ride home to retrieve my spare and we got in the water at Olde Port at 7:50. The air temp was up to 47°! The waves were 2 to 3 foot but still packed a surprising punch. The beach was steep and the runout would try and take your feet out from under you but it was easy to get through the waves. There big walls of whitewater overtopping the breakwater at the port.    

We swam to the second crossbars on the Poly Pier, out to the end of the pier and back the way we had come. The water was always moving, pushing towards shore and lifting and dropping. The water temperature was 56° and in places there were a lot of pieces of kelp and driftwood in the water.  

Niel and Jodi at the second crossbars.
We had a very nice swim with plenty of water character to work with without being in for a full Maytaging.

Avila look pretty flat at when I was leaving at 9:40.

I'll be at Avila tomorrow at 11. It will be gray with a chance of showers. The Diablo buoy is predicted to still be at 9 to11 feet tomorrow so I may just sit out and relax. 


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