Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday, January 7th, 2023


It was 52°, clear and sunny with a strong offshore wind at Avila Beach.  

Duke rode by just as I arrives so we got to visit for a bit. Tom Lorish got out and spoke with us for a minute until the urge to get dry and warm urged him on.  Paula, Avery and Ilene were out there and and I spoke to them after they got out.  They were coming in just as the biggest set I'd seen came in.

I sat down in my chair to enjoy watching the surf before I got in, I got nice and warm and comfortable from the sun, fell asleep and had a nice nap.

I didn't sleep long. When I woke up I felt like I had accomplished my mission for the day and went home.

I'll be back Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7. The weekend looks iffy with another storm and big surf predicted. 


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