Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday, September 21st, 2024

 Saturday Yo-Yo Swim -
Paula, Jodi and Niel swam the buoys on the right side of the pier, yo-yoed from the end of the pier. The fourth buoy first, naturally, so each leg is shorter than the last.
Avila presented us with 56° with dense overcast. The water was 55° when we got in and maybe a degree warmer on the right side.    

As we waded in Paula collected some 'kelp' on her leg 
which turned out to be a bikini bottom. I hope there was 
a friend with a towel to help her get out of the water.... 

We had a nice swim in flat and smooth water. With no sunlight it was hard to tell but the water was holding a bit of red tide.  Paula had a beach cleanup in Pismo to go to so she did not do the last bit from the first buoy to the end of the pier and back in.   
Niel and Jodi at the end of the Avila Pier. 

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


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