Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It was a little cool at Avila with partial clouds, but it was completely still with flat water conditions.  Surf was in the 2' range, the water was clean and 52 degrees with just a few birds and maybe one seal to be seen.  Swimming today were Ed, Rob and Niel.  There was a jet ski practicing tow-in surfing at the end of the beach  by Fossil Point so we decided to start on the other (west) side of the pier and see let the conditions decide the route.  We swam out to and down the buoy line to the last buoy at the creek,  turned and continued to the end of the Avila Pier.  At this temperature it takes me about 10 minutes to get 'comfortable' to where I start thinking more about swimming than how the water feels on my exposed skin.  Next week I want to ask Rob (no wetsuit) how this works for him.   The jet ski left while we were grouping up at the end of the pier so we decided it was OK to swim to the end of the buoys on the east side, close to where the jet ski had been.  Once there we regrouped and swam along the buoys back to the pier and in to the beach.  We were in the water for 36 minutes and covered about a mile.  After we got out the sky had cleared and it was nice and warm on the sand.


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