We enjoyed our run of great swimming conditions today with a water temperature of 62 degree F/ 16.66 degrees C, no wind, flat water, a swell or push out of the SW and an overcast sky that cleared to sunshine halfway through the swim. We had 17 swimmers today.
Duke proposed a 2+ mile swim so we swam a route that would allow people to drop of when they wanted to.
Today's swimmers were Tom and Leslie, Sylvia, Duke, Steve and his son Ross, Karen, Amy, Niel, Sydney, Sam, Kyley, Paula, Clare, Hillary, John and Maria.
Sylvia would, as usual, do her own swim.
Tom and Leslie swam the witch’s hat: Out to the #1 buoy on the east side of the pier , turned left and went to the last buoy. Then, returned to the #2 buoy before going around the pier to the #2 buoy on the west side. From there to the end of the buoy line and back to the #1 buoy on the east side. Hence, a perfect “witch’s hat.”
The long route was to swim to the #1 buoy on the east side, east to the #4 buoy, to the end of the Avila Pier, to the #4 buoy at the creek mouth on the west side of the pier, to the Cal Poly Pier, to the end of the Cal Poly Pier, return to the end of the Avila Pier and in to the beach for 2.25 miles. We were in the water for an hour 23 minutes and spent an hour and one minute swimming. There were 6 stops along the route so it took 3+ minutes at each stop for the group to reform and make sure that we knew who was continuing and who was dropping off.
Duke, Niel, Hilary, Karen, Steve, Heidi and Maria did the full distance.
Forming up at the #1 buoy on the east side of the Avila Pier.
At the #4 buoy on the east side.
Hilary is pointing at a dolphin that swam close by the group.
Heidi, Karen, Duke, Hilary and Steve at the end of the Avila Pier.
Duke, Hilary, Heidi and Karen at the #4 buoy on the west side of the Avila Pier
Duke, Karen, Heidi and Maria at the 'crossbars' our
waypoint about 1/3 of the way along the Cal Poly Pier
Hilary, Steve, Karen, Maria, Heidi and Duke at the Cal Poly Pier
looking back towards the Avila Pier.
It is 620 M from this point to the end of the Cal Poly Pier.
and 716 M from the end of the Cal Poly Pier to here, the end of the Avila Pier.
Both legs are nice chances to stretch out and get into your stroke.
Wednesday Evening: Hilary and I will get in the water at 6 PM on 8/30. The conditions have been great and it is a wonderful way to finish off a work day.
Next Sunday, 9/3: We will swim as usual, in the water at 11 AM.
Monday, 9/4, Labor Day: We will swim at 10AM with a potluck brunch afterwards.