Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday, June 30th, 2024

 Fogged Out -

Today I was looking forward to a relaxing sun soak on the beach and a casual swim.    I checked the Avila 805 Webcam at 10 and Avila was solidly fogged in so I scrubbed going to he beach.

I'll swim, fog or not, on Tuesday at 7 and at 7 on the 4th!


The Two Toms Swim Reports -

Tom Lorish:

I arrived at 915 AM this morning… Avila was socked in with fog. See picture. The water was glassy and still. As I was heading down to the water, I saw the shark signs were posted. So, between the fog and the signs, it was a buoy line boogie swim this morning.  The water temperature was about 56. The west side was probably one or 2° warmer, but it had a bit of a funky smell over there. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful day of swimming. 

Tom Israel: 

Hi guys, I had a short swim today in Avila. Beautiful conditions. Water felt like 56 or higher. 

When I got out it was completely sunny. 70° outside and lovely. Talking with the lifeguards before I got in they had a great white following a kayaker on Saturday between Avila Pier an Poly Pier heading towards Dog Beach. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday, June 29th, 2024


Jodi and I had easy swimming conditions this morning. The water was flat and clean with no swell, small waves and a temperature of 55°. The solid gray overcast took a degree or so off of the felt water temperature.

At the end of the Poly Pier

There were post swim brownies today, a day late for my Birthday Swim, so the rationalization that the brownies are necessary for calory and fat replenishment is weak but not weak enough to pass up the opportunity.    

I'll swim tomorrow at 11 and Tuesday at 7.

Fourth of July Swim -
We'll swim on the 4th at AM. Sorry, but based on the car count at 8AM today, there will be no sleeping in if on the 4th you want to park within blocks of the beach.  
Route(s) and distance will be determined by the group before we get in. 


Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday, June 28th, 2024

 My Annual Birthday Swim Accomplished -                                            🎉
Three years ago I swam my age on my birthday. The water was 55° and clean on January 27th and I got my 7,200M+
The last two years there was a wet winter with a dirty and cold (51°) ocean in January which was no good for training on a schedule and too cold for me to do my distance. 
Last year and this conditions improved in the late spring and I was able to swim in late June.
This morning I did four big triangles and a last trip to the #1 buoy to #2 back for my 7,400M, in three hours. Geese, the water had some chop on it today but 3:08......... the water seems to be getting thicker.    
I lassoed a 24 oz bottle to the first buoy and towed another behind me and switched bottles at the half way point.  I use Citrus Fluid Performance with two Clif Chocolate gels add each bottle.

I'll show up tomorrow at 7 to keep Jodi, Tom and Paula honest and do a nice sunny swim at 11 on Sunday.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Tom's Swim Report - 

June gloom at Avila when I arrived at 9 AM. As you can see in the before swim picture. Air temperature was 60°, and the water temperature was 55, 56. It was a nice day of swimming.  I definitely did not swim 6K! Nevertheless, I give Niel a full six goggle salute for his effort the other day.  By the time I got out, the gloom and burned off as you can see in the after swim picture. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Avila Beach was beautiful at 7 this morning. It was sunny, 61°, and calm. The water was 57°!
I got in with the intention of doing triangles until I had done 2 1/2 triangles for about 4K. It was so nice out there that I decided to do another 1/2 triangle, then another and another for 4 triangles. That was 2- 1/2 hours without any hydration or nutrition, I had a great swim but I was done.

Later, looking at the plot, I found that Garmin dropped off the planet on the 4th lap. There are two large gaps in the last lap where it didn't record my pace but did record the distance. At 2.5 minutes/100M the total time works out to 6,000M, so I think the distance is correct even though the plot has two big gaps in it.   


Tom's Swim Report From Monday -

It was another beautiful morning at Avila. I arrived at 907 AM, and there were scattered clouds and blue skies. Air temperature was 65. The picture shows what it looked like.  As I was getting changed it started raining for what turned out to be about 12 minutes.  The water was calm and glassy, and about 54, 55 again.  It was day one for the junior lifeguards, so the beach was busy.  Summer is in full swing. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Tom and Niel's Swim Reports - 

Tom -
I arrived at Avila at 9 AM. The conditions were sublime. The ocean was still and glassy as far as I could see. On a day like this, the Avila rock calls…  lots of wildlife out there. Numerous species sea birds were perched on the rock along with one seal that was surprised to see me.  Beautiful swimming. 
Oh, and the water temperature felt about 54 - 55. I am curious to see if I am recalibrated. 

Niel - 
I arrived at 10:30. It was sunny with scattered thin clouds. It was 73° and a cool breeze was picking up. The water was ruffled and the surf was 2 to 3 foot.  With the wind building I decided not to swim to Avila Rock. I wasn't feeling enthusiastic about having to push my way across the wind chop from the rock back to the beach.  Tom's toes were well recalibrated, I measured 54°, 55° in the warm spots.      
A couple of triangles looked good and I started getting ready.  There was something shinny in the kelp near the reef buoy. It was a mylar balloon and I decided to collect it on my way buy and get it out of the ocean.  Once there I worked my way around the kelp looking for a good way in, picked my spot and began a kelp crawl, pulling myself along across the top of the weed like going up a ladder. Half of the way to the balloon the Harbor Patrol boat eased up just inshore of the kelp bed. They pulled around as I was retrieving the lost birthday party decoration. I swam up to the boat and an office asked me if it was a good workout swimming in the kelp. We had a nice, short conversation, he took the wayward trash from me and wished me a good swim. 

The wind strengthened and swung to the ESE. On the lap back the chop was head slapping high. Still, 55° was very comfortable. 

I'm on my normal schedule this coming week; swimming at 7 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and at 11 next Sunday.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

Swimmers 52, Water Gods 0

Yesterday Toms toes told him the water was below 50° so we were expecting that Poseidon and Neptune would have taken up my challenge and really put the chill on us today with a forty something water temperature, but no, the water was 52°.  
There was fog thick enough to hide the end of the Poly Pier but lots of visibility closer in. Paula had raced yesterday and would race again Sunday so she wanted to go short. Tom was getting over a cold and was not sure how much gas he'd have once he got out there so we planned to swim a triangle or two. The air temp was 49°, there was a light wind and the surf was 1+ foot.  
We got in on the east side of the pier, swam under the pier and along the buoys to #4 near the creek mouth, ditched the swim plan and headed to the third crossbars on the Poly Pier. 

When I arrived Paula and Tom were up close and personal with the mussels, barnacles and anemones on the pier and Paula was explaining an aspect of marine biology to Tom.             

Be assured no wild marine life were harmed  
Paula, Niel and Tom 

The fog had closed in and we could not see the Avila Pier or the shore, so we swam back along the Poly Pier to the second crossbars, over to the buoy line and back to #1 on the west side. Paula went in. Tom and I swam to the end of the Avila Pier, to the #4 buoy on the east side and back more or less along the buoys to the pier. 
When we were near buoy #2 a pod of dolphins passed us on the right heading for the pier. They swung left across our path and disappeared into the fog. By the time I got the camera out they were gone. This was great. They looked just like this:🐬

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday, June 21st, 2024

Tom's Friday Morning Swim Report -  

Well, the gods must be laughing at Niel's dare...  Poseidon, Neptune, and the rest of them are having a good laugh because the water was under 50° - at least that's what it felt like to me.  There was a cold breeze blowing in from the southwest that created a chop and it felt like a current going that same direction. The leg from the rock Buoy to the Cal poly pier was work out! 

Well, I should remember; 'Be careful what you wish for'

Saturday morning will be an experience!


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

Avila, 6:50 AM, cloudy but clearing, calm, 56°, a flat, glassy ocean with one foot waves and 51° water. Better than the pool swimming conditions except for the water temperature that is 30° colder. 

I'm not too proud to bootie. It may be June but 51° still feels quite cold. 

 If the water gods are reading this I'm Triple Double Dog Daring 
you to give us 49° water on the 4th of July. 

Its either that or quit fooling around and let us get on with summer.  
I swam Tuesday's route in the other direction. The booties helped. Today was 100M and two minutes shorter than Tuesday, so that is pretty close for that distance.

I expect to swim with Jodi, Tom Israel and Paula Saturday morning at 7.  


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Tom's Swim Report -

Cool air, cool water. It was 57° air temperature when I arrived at Avila at 915 AM. There was a thick marine layer and a slight breeze. The water temperature was 52°. By the time I got out at 1030 the marine layer had burned off and the air temperature was up to 59°.  The Avila pier construction had the pile driver going this morning, and as I was swimming out the sound of the pile driver from under the water was so loud that I could actually feel it.  Can't imagine the sea life is too thrilled about that. Once I got to the end of the pier I could no longer feel it.  To get away from the noise I went west over to the CP pier.  Nice morning of swimming. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

After swimming in lovely 58° water on Sunday I was disappointed to read Tom's estimate from Monday of 55°, but I told myself that 55° was so much better then that bottom 50's that we have experienced in the past months.  When I started swimming I thought I heard ocean gods laughing and I was thinking: 'Oh my goodness, the water is quite cold today, well below 55° and my face is in shock'.  (This comment was edited for general publication).    
The water was 52° with colder areas near the Poly Pier.  I do not recall experiencing this large of a drop in the water temperature over two days.

I'd planed today's route earlier and decided to see if I would last the distance at today's temperature. The route is a yo-yo between the end of the Avila Pier and four points along the Poly Pier. I swam to the end of the Avila Pier, to the second crossbars on the Poly Pier, to the third crossbars, back to the end of the Avila Pier, to the mooring thingy that is 125M from the end of the Poly Pier, to the end of the pier, back to the end of the Avila Pier and in.      
Conditions were exceptionally nice today. The air temperature was 49°, there was 1 to 2 foot surf, no wind, a slight swell, and a glassy, very clean and cold ocean.
Greetings from the end of the Poly Pier.

I'll swim Thursday and Saturday at 7.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, June 17th, 2024

 Tom's Monday Morning Swim Report - 

Gorgeous day at Avila this morning.  The air temperature was 64 when I arrived at 9 am. Swimming was beautiful. Water clarity excellent. My toes tell me the temperature was 55. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Warm -

It was suddenly full summer at Avila Beach today. Yesterday at 7AM the water temperature was 52°, today at 11 it was 58° and still very clear. 
Paula and Ilene swam early and did 5K. They are training for a 10K swim in Fort Collins in September. Next in was Tom Lorish. He was very happy with the conditions and his swim.
He said that it was smooth our there but by the time I was heading towards the Poly Pier it had gotten bumpy.  There was a lot of kelp and ell grass in the water. It was very pesky. I was hitting something every 10 strokes.   
I swam around the reef buoy, to the Poly Pier and in along the pier to the third crossbars and doubled back. Jodi had suggested this route yesterday. We did Yo-yo's instead so I poached her route today. Swimming in to the second crossbars would be about 4,600M and going all of the way to the rocks at the base of the makes a 5K loop.

It was beautiful out here today.

The Avila Pier, way off there above my toes.

I plan to swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 and next Sunday at 11.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday, June 15th, 2024

 A Different Triangle Route - 

Today's route was decreasing triangles. We swam from the first buoy to the 4th, to the end of the pier and back to the 1st buoy, then to the third for a smaller triangle, the second and finally from the first buoy out to the end of the pier and back.  I do not think I have done this route before. It is curious how the various routes between the buoys and the end of the pier are all about 3,200M.  

At 7AM it was sunny, calm and 49° in Avila Beach, which was a surprise because it was 69° in San Luis Obispo when I left for the beach. The surf was small but there was a short period swell from the SW. The swell had a period that was almost the same and my stroke so we were getting a small lift and drop with each stroke.  The water gods were entertained by our reaction to water that was back to 52+° but the sun felt really nice.  

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14th, 2024

Tom's Friday Swim Report -  

Beautiful day at Avila this morning. Blue skies, air temperature 59° when I arrived at 9 AM. The water continues to be amazingly clear and beautiful. My toes tell me the water was 54° with a slight breeze bump.  Excellent swimming. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

 55° Clean, Flat and Glassy Water -
This is more like it.  It was still grey at Avila but it was still and the air temp was 58°. The water was just like what Tom reported from yesterday, except the beached boat near tower 2 was gone.  There was not much time needed to get used to the water today.      

No booties required at today's water temperature. 

Even out at the third crossbars on the Poly Pier I had an observer critique my stroke.
This great blue heron let out a loud squawk and flew off as I swam by.

I'll be back on Saturday at 7 to swim with Jodi and Paula and with whoever else shows up at 11 on Sunday. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Tom's Swim Report for Wednesday

I am back. And my shipment of warm water from Spain must've arrived because the temperature felt about 55 to me.  it was glassy calm, and the water clarity was pristine. A thick marine layer, but it still felt very comfortable.  Beautiful day of swimming.  From the 'what the hell is that doing there' category: in the picture you'll see a boat beached on the west side… None of the guards were quite sure what the story was.  Perhaps a higher tide will take it back to where it came from.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024


I had a 10 o'clock meeting so I arrived early and did a simple 2,900M.  The conditions were a 61° air temp, gray skies, a light breeze, 2 to 3 foot surf, and water that felt more like 52° than the 53+° that I measured.

There is work being done on the pier to replace some pilings and the water near the work tastes like creosote.  It is not pleasant.  It is an old familiar smell from beaches and piers long past and I assumed that it was not used in California anymore.

Purchase Report - A Second Order of Dolphins Swim Caps from Swim Outlet -

Swim Outlet Teams Not Recommended

Three years ago the Swim Outlet Teams Division produced my first order of Avila Dolphins swim caps. They used my artwork to produce a proof I approved and they did a great job printing the caps.
The proof.

A cap from the first order. They were an exact match. 

Recently I had a second batch run from the same proof and I was not pleased with the results.
The artwork is 30% larger, the linework is broader, there is less detail and the color of the beach is different.   
I spoke with Tomas, who worked with me on this order. His response was that the printer would not redo the order, but he would see if they would give me a discount on a future order. I have not heard back from him. 
Maybe I'm being too picky, but they nailed it with the first order and that was what I was expecting the second time. 
Putting it on their printer is bad. I won't be going to Swim Outlet Teams for any future orders. 

I will be swimming at Avila on Thursday and Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I had a nice Sunday swim today. It was 61° and mostly cloudy at 10:30 but the sun came out while I was swimming. The water was 53° There was a light wind and the water was lumpy but not choppy. The waves were small but the bigger sneaker waves were still part of the mix. When I got out the surf was up to a consistant 3 to 4 foot.  
Fore something a little different I did the buoy line yo-yo on the west side.

Afterwards it was really nice and mellow on the beach, 
warm but not hot, just enough breeze and not too crowded.  
It's not too easy to see in the photo but a large dredge with two tugs is moored over near the port. My sources tell me that it is here to do some work at Diablo Canyon.

My schedule next week will ne the usual Tue., Thurs., and Sat., at 7 and Sunday at 11.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday, June 8th, 2024


Tom, Paula, Jodi and Niel swam a couple of simple triangles this morning. 
The overcast was thick and looked like it might last all day. It was 56° and calm. The surf was smallish except for an occasional 3 to 4 footer. The water was 52°. It has lost its clarity and is looking like the cloudy crud we have in summer. 
The water temperature last June was in the mid 50's, but that year we hadn't had water temperatures between 48° and 52° from January to June.  A few weeks ago the water felt like it was finally warming up to summer temps, but the temp has slid back down.       

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

I'm back from traveling and worked this morning to get out the kinks from driving 2,100 miles.  It took until I got to the end of the Poly Pier before I felt my self loosen up and straighten out.

The water was 52° close to shore but much warmer further out, probably 54°, with a well defined transition between the two.  The water is loosing its clarity and starting to look more like it does in the summer.  

The swimming was a little bumpy but nice. 

 I'll be back at 7 on Saturday and at 11 on Sunday.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

 First Place in 50+

At a recent water polo tournament in Spain Tom Lorish's team won the 50+ division.🏊🎉

That is Tom kneeling holding the banner. 
He is now on a swimming tour of Spain.