Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Avila Beach cleared early today giving us warm and sunny skies and 62 degree water. There have been reports of red tides in Pismo but the water at Avila was clean. It was flat and windless.

Swimming today were Niel, Tom, Amy, John, AnneMarie, Chris, Stephanie, Tim and Brenda.

Niel, Tom, Chris, Stephanie, Tim and Brenda swam on the west side of the pier. John, Amy, AnneMarie and Brenda decided to swim on the east side.

I have not seen any bait balls since last summer but today there was a huge one 200M beyond and to the east of the end of the Avila Pier. While we were getting ready it moved onshore, inside the end of the pier. We decided to swim on the opposite (west) side of the pier to the mouth of the creek and make it up our route from there. 
By the time we were wading in the bait ball had moved to the west side of the pier so we swam west to the creek mouth and evaluated the situation. It looked like the bait ball might be moving over towards the Cal Poly Pier, which had been our original destination, so we decided to do two laps of the buoy line on the west side. 

This is Stephanie, Tim, Chris and Tom on our second stop at the last buoy at the mouth of San Luis Obispo Creek. Tom is looking to the east because is noticing a large gray porpoise swimming past within 20' of our group.

John, Amy and Brenda swam on the east side, down to Fossil Point and back.

Duke and Marguerite swam over near the Harford Pier, from the kayak rental shack to the base of the breakwater and back.

Labor Day Piece of Pie Swim:

I am going to swim at Avila tomorrow morning. In the water at 9, done and home in time for our block party at 11. Might be foggy but the water will flat and the parking easy. 
Join me and earn the ability to have a guilt free piece of pie tomorrow afternoon.


1 comment:

Casey said...

Do y'all swim every Sunday? I will be in Pismo on Oct 6 - would love to join!