Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday, January 5, 2020

For the first swim of the new year the air temperature was in the high 50's, clear and sunny  with a steady offshore breeze. I measured a water temperature of 54 degrees off of the Avila Pier. The surf was mostly 2 to 3 foot with an occasional set of 5 feet. 
Group 1 was Tom, Tim and Niel who did a counterclockwise triangle for a mile swim. The water was the same temperature as last week but felt better because it was sunny. I took me the swim out, under the pier and most of the way to the creek to get evened out with the temperature and things to get numb enough that I didn't feel cold. 

Tom and Tim getting in.

Group 2 was Laurin, Johny, Amy and John. They swam out to the reef buoy, to the end of the Avila Pier, past the big white mooring buoy that is 100 M west of the pier and in to the beach for about 8 tenths of a mile.

There is currently the possibility of showers late next week but the chance of swimming next Sunday look good. 


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