Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday, September 21st. 2023

The best news of the swim was 'no red tide'.  Tom had found clean water yesterday. I thought that there was an equal chance of it being clean or dirty today and I got lucky. 

At 7 the air temperature was 56°, the water was 58°, it was very gray with what looked like rain clouds (!?). There was no wind and the water was smooth except for nice long period swell.

I had not been out to the Avila Rock in a while. From the beach it looked like the massive amount of kelp that had surrounded the rock this summer was much reduced so I went to see if I could swim around the rock. 
The kelp dies off in the fall. There was a wide area on the west side of the rock that was full of floating pieces of kelp that ranged from small bits to 10'+ stalks. It looked like most of the kelp was gone. I was able to circle the rock with just 20' of kelp crawling.  
The swell created a nice lift and drop near the rock. 

Duke texted that he was taking a gap day today.

I'll swim Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11.


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