Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday, September 14th, 2024


Niel, Jodi, Tom Israel, Paula and Matt got in at 7 AM. Avila was all gray overcast with spitting rain.  It was 54°, the water was 55° - 56°, flat and a bit dirty. The pelicans were on both sides of the Avila Pier in large numbers.
Paula Jodi, Matt, Niel and Tom at the first buoy.

The water was cold getting in but it was not the 53° of the previous two days.  

We were bird free until we arrive at the end of the Avila Pier where the pelicans were feeding on the east side of the pier. Matt and Paula were cold and went in. Jodi, Niel and Tom swam to the 4th buoy and back to the start. 
After being cold on Thursday I had on everything this morning; my winter wetsuit, neoprene cap and booties so I was a bit over dressed for 55° - 56° but that was better than being too cold. If the wind lays down some in the next few days the water temperature should come back up.

I'll swim tomorrow at 11. 


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