Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Tuesday, January 11th, 2022

It was 44° in Avila this morning, clear with strong and gusty offshore winds.  The water temperature was 53°. The 8 to 12 foot surf that was predicted showed up somewhere else.  Avila was 3 foot with a 4+ footer every 10 minutes. The offshore breeze was holding them up nicely.

There were three solo swims this morning. I got in at 8, Tom at about 9 and he was finishing as Duke got in. Duke didn't make it at 8 because he was having coffee with his daughter.

I did Duke's U-Burner 1000 yd. quickie. I had an appointment at 9:25 and needed to get wet and get going on my day. A quick, cold, choppy, hard swim worked out great. I think that I was the most awake person in the building at my appointment.  

I have another busy morning on Thursday and will get in at 8:45ish. I may see Duke or Tom.


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