Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tuesday, December 31st, 2024


I got in at 10 this morning. It was a beautiful day at Avila Beach and it was already getting crowded. The temperature was 57°, sunny and pleasant with a "offshore" breeze that was from the east/northeast rather than the usual north.  The big surf was taking a break, with 2 to 3 foot waves and an occasional set of 4 footers breaking on the beach. In the surf zone the beach is all rocks and mussel shells which makes a unfriendly surface for bare feet.

With today's wind direction a couple of triangles is a good route because the conditions were different on each of the eight legs. The wind was from the right side of the plot so the water on the right side of the pier was rougher than that on the left. The visibility was very good and the water tasted clean. My thermometer read 52° - 53°, I thought it was colder getting in but I did get comfortable before I finished my first trip down the buoy line so the low 50's is about right.

I'll be back on Thursday and Saturday at 7:30 and Sunday at 11.
I do not know what the prediction is for more big waves but the Dog Beach would be 2 feet smaller than Avila so it is always an option. 


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday, December 29th, 2024

It was 60° and cloudy in Avila Beach. The surf was up and punchy with an odd combination of a set of 7  three foot + waves and then a set of 7 - 6 to 7 foot waves.  The high surf has pulled all of the sand off of the beach leaving small rocks to walk on.  
I spoke to Tom Lorish for a while. He thought the water temp was 53°.

After a week of not swimming, sleeping in and enjoying good food I was wanting a less stormy start to getting myself back into moving with a purpose. 
Stephanie and I got our gear on, waded in and waited for a break in the waves. While holding my position against the surge the rocks were putting the hurt on my feet.  
We eventually got out without swimming.

I'll be back Tuesday morning at about 10. 



Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wednesday, December 25th, 2024

Tom's Christmas Day Swim -

Beautiful conditions and swimming at Avila on Christmas morning!  It was 53° air temperature when I arrived at 8:45 AM. The swell had settled down but was still producing 6 foot plus waves coming in clean lines.  The water temperature was about 53°. In the category of things you don't usually see, one of the support posts had snapped off the end of the Avila pier and washed up on the beach. See picture below. I had seen it floating out at the end of the AP on Sunday and it finally made its way to the beach where the harbor patrol pulled it in. And on the west side on the beach there were the biggest muscles I've ever seen in clumps giving the crows a heavenly Christmas breakfast!  I am guessing these got pulled off of the pier supports during the big powerful swell we have had in the past week. Great morning swim! 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

Tom Swims The Big Swells With Dolphins -

Another morning of wild conditions at Avila. I arrived at 9 AM and the conditions were pretty much similar to Sunday. Big, fast, powerful waves rolling in right on top of each other.  The air temperature was 56° and the water was about 54. I could really see just how big the swell was when I was swimming between the Avila pier and the Cal Poly pier. Big thick fast powerful waves.  As I was heading in, right near the second buoy on the east side, I suddenly realized there was a pod of dolphins playing around in the waves. It was super cool! 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday, December 22nd., 2024

 Tom Swims The Big Water -

Wild surf at Avila this morning! The air temperature was 59°. The water was about 53. The set waves were almost breaking on the first buoy on the east side! The crest of the waves were just about hitting the top of the pier. The biggest waves were 3X the height of the buoy. Getting in and out was nuts. The power and speed of the waves were moving me around 10 feet in either direction and sometimes up or down.  Wild!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday, December 21st., 2024

Jodi, Tom and Niel waded in at 7:30.  The air temp was 48° with a solid cloud cover and maybe a peek of sun.  There was a light offshore wind that was pushing the smell of breakfast cooking at the Custom House out to sea. The big swell had not shown up yet. There were pairs of 4 to 5 foot waves with long sets of 3 footers in between.  Time your commitment correctly and getting out was straightforward. We have had enough winter surf that the bottom is now a series of parallel trenches and walking out is a hike over knee deep spots and chest deep holes.    
We began with the 1000M leg from the #1 buoy on the west side of the Avila Pier to the end of the Poly Pier. Then a longer leg over to and around the reef buoy and finished by swimming back along the buoys to our starting point on the west side of the Avila Pier.  We turned to go in just as the largest waves of a set came through so we got in gear and swam directly to the beach.  

Jodi, Tom and Niel at the end of the Poly Pier

I'll be out of town tomorrow through next Saturday so my next swim will be Sunday the 29th.

I may be able to get in the water with the Kelp Krawlers in Pacific Grove or Monterrey while we are there.


Friday, December 20, 2024

Friday, December 20th, 2024

Tom's Toes Go Back to School - 

Beautiful winter day at Avila this morning. I arrived at 9:15 AM and it was 53° air temperature. The water was definitely colder than that.  My toes say 52°. There was a good size wave rolling in and the water was glassy but moving and rolling.  Beautiful conditions for my morning swim. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday, December 19th, 2024

 Jodi's 'T' Route -

Jodi selected today's route. It was T shaped and a first swim of this route for both of us.
It was a great morning for a swim, but we got in later than usual because I first needed to collect water samples from San Luis Creek for bacterial and DNA testing water sampling.  Jodi had some flex in her schedule and wanted to join me. We got in close about 7:50. It was 60° with a light offshore breeze with flat water and 3 to 4 foot waves. My thermometer says the water temp was 55° but both of us thought it was lower. It did not feel like winter when we were at the showers.  

It looks like Garmin had a bit of arrythmia at Fossil Point.

This was a fun route, from the end of the Avila Pier to Fossil Point and the other way to the third crossbars on the Poly Pier and back.  This could also be called a Flat Martini Swim. (A full Martini Swim is the 2.4 miles that connect the end of the Avila Pier with the rock off of Fossil Point and the end of the Poly Pier). 

Niel and Jodi near Fossil Point 

The group swim will be at 7:30 on Saturday.
Friday is Jodi's birthday so I'll be bringing treats to aid in post swim recovery. The big surf is expected on Sunday so we should be fine on Saturday.
12/13 was Jodi's 5th anniversary swimming with the Avila Dolphins. The last five years would have be less fun without her.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

 Tom Lorish's Swim Report -

Clear blue skies, windy and hollow waves… that was Avila at 9 AM. A solid wind was blowing southwest hollowing out some decent size waves. Despite the bump on the water, the waves were lining up nicely.  After finding out that my toes have been out of calibration by 4 degrees, I sent them back to the factory to get recalibrated.  My newly calibrated toes tell me it was 54° today.  It was one of those days that no matter what direction I swim it felt like the wind or the swell or the chop was working against me. It was a good workout. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tuesday, December 17th, 2024

A beautiful morning in Avila Beach. It was clear, 55° with the usual light offshore breeze. The surf was two to four foot and soft. I did the Reef Buoy Poly Pier Route. 

When I left the second crossbars on the Poly Pier the offshore wind kicked up so I had a 12 inch chop pushing me out to sea for the last leg.
My new thermometer read 55° at the end of the Poly Pier. I want to say that it was colder but I'm having to recelebrate after several months without a thermometer to fact check what I was feeling and thinking. Getting in this morning, the water felt cold, but not brain freeze cold, and after I'd come even with the end of the Avila Pier I was well evened out and knew that I was not going to get colder, which is right for the upper-middle low 50's, or 54°.

We'll see what Tom Lorish's toes tell him about the water temperature tomorrow. 

I'll swim Thursday and Saturday at about 7:30.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday, December 15th, 2024

I was looking for a relaxing swim today to get the kinks out from yesterday's swim in storm conditions and Avila offered up a great 'after a storm' day. It was clear and sunny with a mild offshore breeze and 55°. The surf was nice looking 5 to 6 foot sets, good enough to have a couple of surfers in the water on the east side of the Avila Pier trying to get in a quick ride before the wave closed out. The water is very clean, green and 54°. 
I was finally able to replace the thermometer that I measure the water temperature with and    

I spoke with Tom Lorish. He has a great swim and thought the water was 51° and that I'd tell him it was 55°
I stayed clear of the surfers and the biggest waves, walked down the beach and got at the 3rd buoy. I swam out to Fossil Point and back for a mile. The water was beautiful and I got the kinks left over from yesterday worked out.

In this coming week I'm planning on swimming on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings.


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Saturday, December 14th, 2024

 Storm Conditions - 

The rain hadn't yet begun when we got in at 7:30. It was 55° with a strong wind out of the south/southwest. The ocean was a mess of large chop and big waves. I have a new thermometer and measured a water temp of 53°. It was high tide with the white water running up onto the beach. The largest waves were probably 6'+ but with the wind blowing their tops off and pushing them down it was hard to tell. 
We agreed that we would first deal with getting out to the #1 buoy and then decide about swimming somewhere. 
Jodi and Tom Israel looking for the lane lines. 

We got in on the east side of the pier. Tom got out. Jodi and I were pushed back so we tried the west side of the pier where the water was smaller. we were successful and met Tom the the #1 buoy on the west side of the pier.     Yes, Tom swam through the pier in todays conditions.  

At the #1 buoy on the west side of the pier.

We agreed on swimming to the third crossbars on the Poly Pier, to the end of the P. Pier, back to the end of the Avila Pier and in. 

At the second crossbars on the Poly Pier. 

I suggested swimming to the end of the Avila Pier because it would be across the swells instead of to the end of the P Pier which would be into them. This leg was a long rough haul. I was flipped over by a breaking crest that caught me just as I was turning to breath on that side. I got some glimpses of Jodi and Tom swimming and it was impressive.    

We swam from the end of Avila Pier to the #4 buoy on the west side in order to enjoy  following conditions for one leg and then came back along the buoys to #1 and in. 

The wind and swell seemed to be out of the south but they must of had some SE to them because the water was bigger when we didn't have the Avila Pier between us and Pismo Beach.  Jodi says her watch recorded some 10' swells!

 I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday, December 13th, 2024

 Tom's Toes Say - 

Rock 'n' roll swimming with the King.  King tide that is, not Elvis.  I arrived at 915 AM, two hours after the high tide, and the water was still running quite high. It looked like there was a swell coming from two different directions and they weren't quite lining up so the waves were coming in close pairs. 5-6 foot faces on the set waves. The water temperature was 48° and the clarity was excellent. Beautiful December Swim. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wednesday and Thursday, December 11th and 12th, 2024

Tom's Toes - 

Gorgeous day at Avila. I arrived later than usual – 1130 AM. 60° air temperature, sunny blue skies with scattered clouds. The tide was low and there was a pretty good swell coming in. Definitely could see signs of King tide  coming.  The water temperature was about 50°. Beautiful swimming conditions. 

Not My Day - 

This morning I was trying to work my way out through the surf when I got cold. The water temperature felt the same as it has been (high 40's) and there were 6'+ breakers so it would be a while before I could start swimming. I turned around and got out, drove home and got warm.

I'm planning on swimming Saturday morning at 7:30 and Sunday at 11.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Monday and Tuesday, December 9th and 10th

Monday Swim Report from Tom Lorish:

Tom swam Monday morning and texted: The Conditions at Avila this morning were pretty much the same as they were on Sunday. No picture needed.  

Tuesday Swim Report by Niel:

This morning's swim was a cold one. At 7 the air temp in Avila was in the mid 30's. There was a constant offshore breeze that had put a chop on the water. It was clear and sunny. The surf was the same 3+ foot sets with lots of space between them for entries and exits.  I think the water temperature was 47° - 48°. It was colder close to the beach. 

I had a very nice swim but there was no sunlight at the showers and the concrete put a freeze on my feet.

I'll be back Thursday morning. 


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday, December 8th, 2024


Avila Beach had thin high clouds with the sun coming and going, and hardly anyone else on the beach today. The temperature was 60° and there was no wind so it was comfortable and the water was glassy. The surf was 2 to 3 foot and easy.  
I spoke to Tom Lorish. He had swum around Avila Rock and said that the water was really beautiful out there, and still cold. .
Stephanie Popp joined me. Due to a football size hole in her wetsuit her last swim was short. She has a new, complete, wetsuit now and was planning on staying in longer.   

Niel and Stephanie at the 4th buoy on the west side. 

We swam #1 to #4 and back on the west side. Stephanie went in and I did a triangle. I'd estimate the water temperature as 49 to 50°. The NOAA buoys off of Diablo Canyon and Santa Maria are recording water temps of 55 to 56 so the persistent offshore wind in Avila is keeping our swimming clean and cold.      

I'll swim Tuesday and Thursday at 7. Holiday stuff is happening so I may swim even earlier on Saturday.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday, December 7th, 2024

It was another beautiful morning at Avila Beach. We had decided to get in at 7:30. It was 39°, clear and sunny with a light offshore breeze. There were sets of 3 to 4 foot waves but there were big gaps between the sets.  I'd guess the water temperature was 49° - 50° with a colder spot at the end of the Avila Pier and a big drop around the #4 buoy near the mouth of San Luis Creek.  

NIel, Jodi, Tom Israel and Paula were joined by Andrew, who was visiting from Alameda. Wayne, who is from  Seattle, was there and swam the buoy line. 
Andrew would swim bareback. We did Tom Lorish's Fog Route because if would have plenty opportunities for people to do swims of different lengths.          
Andrew walking in

Tom Israel, Jodi and Paula

Jodi, Paula, Tom and Niel at the end of the Avila Pier.
There was no swell, just the micro wind chop.  

Andrew at the end of the Avila Pier. 

We began by swimming along the buoy line on the east side of the pier from the #1 to #4 and back along the line to #1. Then out and back along the pier to #1 on the west side. Paula and Andrew went in from there. Jodi, Tom and I swam west to the #4 buoy, back to #1, around the pier and in.

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


Friday, December 6, 2024

Friday, December 6th, 2024

A Tom's Toes Swim Report -

915 AM arrival. Beautiful morning at Avila. 62° air temperature, blue skies, and a steady breeze blowing from east to west.  The ocean was pretty agitated. With the bump from the breeze going east to west and the swell coming in from the south it was bumpy stirred up water.  The water temperature was about 50°. It was a good morning workout Swim

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thursday, December 5th, 2024

 Suds and Sunshine -

I got in at about 7:40 today. It was sunny, 58°, with beautiful swimming conditions. There were long gaps between the 4'+ sets of waves, the water temperature was sub 50°, more like 48° at the end of the Avila Pier.  The swimming was wonderful.
The group swim will be Saturday at 7 and I'll swim Sunday at 11.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Tom's Toes Swim Report - 

Foggy and 48° - air and water.  9:15 AM arrival. The water was glassy with a 3 foot wave breaking right on shore. Beautiful conditions, chili, and good swimming. 

That wave sure looks clean.

Thanks Tom,


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024


Avila Beach was 45° and gray this morning. There was a light wind and the surf was up some with 4 foot sets. I decided to do Tom's fog route, which is back and forth along the buoy line with legs around the pier. I spent some time working through the surf and didn't pay much attention to the water temperature. Once I started swimming my estimate of the temperature started at 50° and kept getting revised downward. When my guess at the water temperature was 47° to 48° I was feeling cold and got out. 
I could be off on the water temp. I had a very lean dinner last night and I may have started out short on calories and just ran out of fuel.
I had a good swim,. Getting out through the waves required working out and in until I could sprint out during the lull between the sets and hope to not get caught by the first waves of the next set. It was fun. Coming in my timing was perfect and I swam directly to the beach.     

I'll see how things are on Thursday.


Monday, December 2, 2024

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Tom's Toes Begin December

High tide and a beautiful day at Avila this morning.  51 degrees air temperature, sunny and clear, with a decent swell kicking up 4 foot set waves.  The water temperature was 49°. Excellent way to start the week. 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sunday, December 1st, 2024

Niel and Jim are Smiling While Swimming 

At 11 AM Avila Beach was clear, calm, 70° and sunny. The water was 50°, which is usually not anything to be happy about but after weeks of water temps in  the high 40's°, 50° was welcome.   It helps that the water has been super clean. The surf was up from yesterday with 3+ footers that carried some energy but getting in and out was just a matter of timing. There was a enough of a swell out of the SE to make things interesting. The wind didn't start up until 12:30.      

Jim will travel back to San Jose today and may be back in the water here the week of Christmas. 

No rain is predicted for the coming week so I'm planning on swimming at 7 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and at 11 next Sunday.
