Saturday, January 4, 2025

Saturday, January 4th, 2025

Niel, Jodi and Tom at the 4th buoy

It was sunny and windy at Avila this morning. The wind was offshore and the water had a small chop on it.  The surf was 3 foot plus with the tallest waves in the 6 to 8 foot range. Getting out was going to require some planning. Jodi, Tom Israel and Niel got in at 7:30. Our timing was off and we swam out into some of the larger waves, had a bit of an adventure and grouped up at the first buoy.  

We all thought that the water was pretty cold (I measured 52°) and agreed to swim to the end of the Avila Pier and make a plan once there. We were still cold at the end of the pier so we decided to swim to the end of the Poly Pier and to plan our way back depending on how we were feeling. 
From the end of the P Pier the plan was to swim to the third crossbars, over to the end of the Avila Pier, to the second crossbars and back to the start. Between the third crossbars and the Avila Pier the water was colder so at the end of the Avila Pier we shortened the route and swam to the 4th buoy on the west side and then to where we got in. We swam under the pier and to the second buoy, thinking the surf would be smaller and less consolidated away from the pier. I'm not sure that plan worked but when we headed in our timing was perfect. We had two of the largest waves break just inside of us so we committed to following them in and swam hard for the beach. We made it to the sand without being caught.

The sunshine felt great when we were at the showers. 
When we got back to our cars Jodi had some homemade snack mix for us.  

I'll swim tomorrow at 11.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Friday, January 3rd, 2025

Tom's Swim Report -

A beautiful January morning at Avila. I arrived at 930 AM. Air temperature was 55°. Blue skies and scattered clouds. There was a 3 foot plus wave rolling in and bumpy conditions. Water temperature was 52°. As always, it was an excellent morning Swim.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Tuesday, January 2nd., 2025


Avila Beach was beautiful this morning, 52°, sunny and calm with 3 to 4 foot waves with some decent shape. There was a single surfer in the water with all of the tubes to himself.  
The water was 53° and developed some bumpiness while I swam.  After this start, I'll be smiling all day.  


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

 Tom's New Years Day Swim Report - 

It was a beautiful New Year's Day at Avila. Blue skies, sunny, and 55° air temperature when I arrived at 915 AM. Lots of polar bear dippers we're already on the beach and the parking was filling up quickly. There was a slight breeze and a slight bump on the water. The water temperature was about 52°. Excellent way to start off the year.