Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Mind Games

The air and water temperatures were 47° this morning. I didn't know what the water temperature was until the end of my swim so I spent my swim working around how I was feeling vs. thinking. I also had a large ship that seemed to want to get in to the area between the Avila and Poly Piers with me so I had them to keep track of. 
I did the reverse of Tuesday's course. Getting in and swimming down the buoy line I was thinking that the water temp was 49°, the same as Tuesday. I started feeling the cold in my arms and feet earlier than I had on Tuesday but I wrote that off to having had just an artichoke and some rice last night, which probably didn't give me enough fat to keep warm this at this temperature. The boat kept moving around, edging into where I was.  At one point it was inside of me and over near the Poly Pier, then gone, then back. Having something else to focus on was good but the boat was annoying. 
I didn't check my thermometer until I was back at the #1 buoy. I had had to check it twice to be sure that I was seeing 8.5°C.  I'm glad that I did not know the number before I got in which let me maintain some deniability.  

We'll see what it is like Saturday morning at 7 and Sunday at 11.
Maybe the water temperature will be up to a sub-tropical 50°.........😉 


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