After yesterday's heat, this morning Avila was wrapped in a solid wall of fog. The fog was hanging off of the beach and was lifting slowly. The water temperature was 55. The water was very clear and there was a slight breeze from the SW. There was also an unusual swell from the SE, but nothing to speak of in the way of surf. Swimming today were Rob, Niel. Samantha, Sylvia, Pete, Dale, Pat and Don. Kris went for a walk and watched our stuff. By 11 the fog had moved offshore far enough to not interfere with our swim. We started on the left of the pier., went left down the buoy line and back to the pier. Niel, Rob, Dale, Don and Pat went longer. Everyone else headed in. The group swam out to the end of the pier, angled to the last buoy at the creek and swam back along the buoy line, under the pier and in. Our swim lasted 40 minutes. Kris and Rick Marina joined us for a pot luck lunch.
Rob and Niel will be back this Wednesday evening to swim at 5:30.
More pictures from today are on the Swim Avila Facebook page

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