There was dense fog in Pismo, offshore and over the hills beyond the port but Avila was a hole in the fog on Wednesday evening. The sun was coming and going, getting lost in the fog beyond the port and there was a light but cold damp breeze coming from the direction of Pismo and Shell Beaches. The water was 59 but with the lack of sun and the breeze it would feel colder . The water was still incredibly clear. I could see 10' down through the water along the pilings to below where the kelp stopped growing. I saw only a few shorebirds and a couple of seals. A fisherman on the pier told me that there had been a football field size school of anchovies just off of the end of the pier but that there had not been any birds or seals on it. Swimming were Niel, Rob, Ryan and Pete. Nobody felt like going strong or long so we went straight out along the pier to its end, turned left at a 45 degree angle to the beach towards the end of the sea wall and came back along the buoy line to the pier and in. This was about .6 of a mile. The water did feel comfortable and the swimming conditions were great. Having the fog hanging down to the water everywhere around us was kind'a weird and the light was strange, but there was easily adequate light for swimming. We will probably get in just a few more evening swims. The time changes the first weekend in November and that will end our Wednesday evening swims for the season.
This Sunday Rob will be in LA for the Distance Challenge 12.6 mile swim and I will be in Eureka. I will be busy next Wednesday evening, but Rob will be swimming if he can reattach his arms after Saturday.

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