Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday, September 8th, 2024

Yesterday we saw some baitfish with pelicans diving on them for the first time in several months. Apparently a post went out last night on Billbook because at 10:30 this morning there were about 80 pelicans along the rail of the Avila Pier and maybe that many more on the water over at the Poly Pier.  There weren't any bait balls so picking seemed thin. By Tuesday they may be back to where the fish are more numerous.    
Duke dropped in for a visit before we got in. This was his first time on the beach in 6 months. It was a perfect beach day and it was great to spend some time on the sand with him. 

Jamie and I swam today. It was 72° and clear with a gusty SE wind. The water was 59° and choppy with a solid push from the SE. There was a regatta under way so with the birds and the sailboats we decided to do some of Tom's Peaks swims which would keep us clear of the sailboats and most of the feeding activity.     

Jamie and Niel
The swimming conditions were variable with each leg being different.
Jamie and our observers.

This week I expect to swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11.


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