Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beach Clean Up Day

Hey everybody, some of us that have Friday off are looking to make it into a little bit of a beach clean up day. If anybody would care to join us we'll be out 9am Friday morning in Avila Beach removing trash that this recent series of storms has pushed onshore, washed down the creek, or blown in from town. We'll meet up in the usual swim spot and then get to work. I figure we can spend an hour or two of making our beach pretty and then everyone can all run off to whatever Christmas excitement they may have to attend to. If nothing else it's a good excuse to hang out on the beach on a day the water is too dirty to swim in right? :)

I'll bring bags and some latex gloves if anybody wants them, but if you want something a little more serious you might want to bring your own. If it turns out there's a ton of garbage out there I'll have my truck with me to help cart it away.

If you want to come out shoot me an email at to let me know you're coming or just show up!


Rob D.

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