Today was an improved rerun of yesterday. Call if fog or low clouds, it was gray and visibility was about 2 miles. There was no wind, the ocean was flat and glassy and the water temperature was 57 degrees. There were lots of fishermen on the pier but almost no birds except for a few pelicans and just a few seals. The holiday brought out a few faces that we have not seen in a while. Swimming today were Sylvia, Niel, Rob, Duke, Kevin Watkins, Blake and Fred. I did not get Fred's last name but but he is friends with Kevina dn Blake and I believe that he used to swim with us in the late 90's. Kevin's son Charlie was along to paddle for us. As we were heading out we collected a guy who was out swimming by himself. Monte had heard of us but had not been sure how to find us at the beach. We did the triangle swim clockwise with three variations. When we got to the end of the Avila Pier Sylvia decided to head in. Blake, Kevin, Fred and Monte headed to the last buoy at the creek and Rob, Duke and I headed over to the second set of crossbars on the Cal Poly Pier. We only had a couple of seals pop up to check us out when we regrouped, nothing like the dozen or so that corralled us the last time we swam over there. We came back the the last buoy at the creek, along the buoy line, under the pier and in. It was about 55 minutes for us and about 1.7 miles. As we were heading to the showers a huge flock of sea birds wheeled in and settled on the water to the left of the Avila Pier, which was very good timing on their part.
Rob and I will be back Wednesday evening to swim at 5:30.

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