Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday, September 17th, 2023

The Water IS Getting Brown -

We are starting to see some plankton bloom in the water. My guess is that even though the water is cooling off, to 58° this week as opposed to 63° last weekend, last weeks higher water temps were enough to kick off a plankton bloom.  Yesterday and today's redness was spotty and not heavy. If we get our usual back to school heat wave we could see some thick crud. We are also seeing a lot of ell grass and kelp bits in the water, another sign of water temperatures that are high enough cause these plants to start dying off.    
At 10:30 it was 67° and partly cloudy in Avila. The clouds were thicker in the east towards Pismo with sunny skies and a fog bank to the west. It was calm and the water looked great.
I saw Tom Lorish as he was walking back to his car. He was happy with his swim except for the patches of cloudy water.  We met Edwin after he got out. He is from Santa Maria, had crossed paths with Tom in the water and may join the group at some point. 
Our group today was David, Tom Israel, Niel, and Jamie.  No one felt super motivated so we set out to do a couple of triangles. 
The wind came up out of the SW as we were getting into the water and by the time we were swimming towards the end of the Avila Pier a good chop had formed.
Jamie went it after the first triangle. The chop created an opportunity to work across it, then into it and then to ride it depending on which leg we were on.          

At the end of the Avila Pier
Jamie, David, Tom and Niel

One of the best parts of the fall swimming is that the summer crowds are gone.
Not only is the beach relatively empty but there were just two pop ups on the east side of the pier, leaving an unobstructed view of the ocean.

I ran into Chad Ianneo and his two boys at the showers. 

I'll swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 and next Sunday at 11.


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