Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Warm -

It was suddenly full summer at Avila Beach today. Yesterday at 7AM the water temperature was 52°, today at 11 it was 58° and still very clear. 
Paula and Ilene swam early and did 5K. They are training for a 10K swim in Fort Collins in September. Next in was Tom Lorish. He was very happy with the conditions and his swim.
He said that it was smooth our there but by the time I was heading towards the Poly Pier it had gotten bumpy.  There was a lot of kelp and ell grass in the water. It was very pesky. I was hitting something every 10 strokes.   
I swam around the reef buoy, to the Poly Pier and in along the pier to the third crossbars and doubled back. Jodi had suggested this route yesterday. We did Yo-yo's instead so I poached her route today. Swimming in to the second crossbars would be about 4,600M and going all of the way to the rocks at the base of the makes a 5K loop.

It was beautiful out here today.

The Avila Pier, way off there above my toes.

I plan to swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 and next Sunday at 11.


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