Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024


I had a 10 o'clock meeting so I arrived early and did a simple 2,900M.  The conditions were a 61° air temp, gray skies, a light breeze, 2 to 3 foot surf, and water that felt more like 52° than the 53+° that I measured.

There is work being done on the pier to replace some pilings and the water near the work tastes like creosote.  It is not pleasant.  It is an old familiar smell from beaches and piers long past and I assumed that it was not used in California anymore.

Purchase Report - A Second Order of Dolphins Swim Caps from Swim Outlet -

Swim Outlet Teams Not Recommended

Three years ago the Swim Outlet Teams Division produced my first order of Avila Dolphins swim caps. They used my artwork to produce a proof I approved and they did a great job printing the caps.
The proof.

A cap from the first order. They were an exact match. 

Recently I had a second batch run from the same proof and I was not pleased with the results.
The artwork is 30% larger, the linework is broader, there is less detail and the color of the beach is different.   
I spoke with Tomas, who worked with me on this order. His response was that the printer would not redo the order, but he would see if they would give me a discount on a future order. I have not heard back from him. 
Maybe I'm being too picky, but they nailed it with the first order and that was what I was expecting the second time. 
Putting it on their printer is bad. I won't be going to Swim Outlet Teams for any future orders. 

I will be swimming at Avila on Thursday and Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11. 

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