Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday. May 6th, 2018

It was a very nice day for a swim today. Avila was sunnyish with high, thin clouds but warm enough to be comfortable. There was no wind, very good visibility, a very small push/swell out of the SW, no waves to speak of and a water temperature that was up to 54 degrees, except for the cold spots. 
Swimming today were John, Jonny, Amy, Heidi, Niel, Duke, Jim and Tom. The warmer water made a 1.5 mile swim possible so we went west along the buoys to the creek, over to the Cal Poly Pier, to the end of the Avila Pier, to the last buoy on the east and back along the buoy line to the start. 

Heidi, Duke, Jonny and Amy getting in

Tom and Jim getting that last goggle adjustment right.

Duke at the last buoy at the creek mouth
 Tom asked us to all point towards Reno to see if he could 
get us to do something silly. The answer is definitly!
Heidi, Jim, Duke, Niel, Jonny and John

I caught up with the group off the front at the Cal Poly Pier,
Duke, Jim and Tom

Heidi checking the water temperature 
at the end of the Avila Pier

Me at the last buoy on the east end of the line.

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