Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday, October 29th, 2023

 Much Bumpiness -

There was a steady offshore wind and the surface of the water was all sparkles. It was beautiful but it was difficult to see if anyone else was swimming.  The chop that was moving offshore was against the wind chop and swell from the SW.  The combined chop and swell were small but they made a varied bumpy surface.
It was a beautiful day, 70° and sunny. I spoke to Tom and Jamie as they got out before I was getting in. Tom thought the water temperature was 53°. The water temperature varied a bit and my thermometer said 53° to 54°. Tom's toes seem to be well calibrated.  
I swam two complete triangles. The Garmin plot of my swim stopped recording distance and time when I rounded the first buoy on the west side and headed west back along the buoy line. Garmin reacquired me when I was at the end of the Avila Pier when time and distance jumped ahead 20 minutes.    

At the end of the Avila Pier.
Any evidence of a temporal vortex that would explain the jump in time and distance did not appear in the photograph.

The direction of the combined swell, chops and wind was from the SW. The leg from the 4th buoy on the east side to the end of the Avila Pier had the toughest chop and strongest push. Each of the rest of the legs were less difficult but each was different. 
This is the last weekend for the Avila Lifeguards for the 2023 season.  Their presence is much appreciated and it is nice to know that they are keeping an eye on us when we are out there beyond the buoy line.

I plan on swimming on Tuesday at 7 and I will be absent until Thursday, the 9th of the following week.


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