Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday, March 27th, 2022

 You can't see it easily but while I was taking the water temperature from the Avila Pier I could see rain falling towards Shell and Pismo Beaches. This was at 10:35. Note the surface conditions, pretty glassy with some ripples and a small swell out of the SE. This was about to change! The air temperature was 56° and the water 55.5° so I was expecting a more comfortable swim than yesterday.

I was the only one there so I got in a bit before 11. It turns out that Tiki was just behind me and didn't see me in the water so she did a lap around the Avila Pier with a Buddha float at the end of the pier. 
I swam out, turned right, swam to the creek mouth and over to the Cal Poly Pier. I was more comfortable than yesterday. Credit the sunshine and the warmer air temperature. When I turned left at the second crossbars towards the end of the pier I found that I was swimming up a flight of stairs. The water had formed up into a combination of chop and swell that had me trying to not think about when I would arrive at the end of the pier. Another left turn and the swimming was easier but still very lumpy. Occasionally a couple of large swells would roll through for a brief elevator ride.  I wasn't swallowing any water but I was sure getting massaged by all of the movement.  

It was still rough coming back along the beach and the waves were all piled together in the surf line. I got this photo of the conditions after I got out. It was very messy out there.

I'll swim Tuesday morning at 8 unless we get a huge rain dump into Monday and I think it has pooped up the water. 


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