I'm back in the water after a two week break and it was sure nice to be out there this morning.
Avila has winter conditions now with a 7:30AM air temperature of 42° with thin high clouds, a light breeze and a ocean with a glassy but lumpy surface and a push from the SE. I stayed n the east side of the pier just in case the creek was still dirty for the recent rain.

I expected to have lost some of my cold water mojo but was still surprised when I measured 12.5°C/54.4°F. It sure didn't feel like the mid 50's to me, mor like 51 or 52. We'll see what tom's toes told him when I get his swim text.
Tom's Toes Say: Beautiful swimming today! My toes and teeth said 51–52, which seems to agree with your thermometer. Beautiful air and water clarity. I love this time of year!
Tom misunderstood me. I think he is right and my thermometer needs to go into the shop for a calibration.
Regardless of what the water temp was Avila is a beautiful place to swim.
Tom and I will be back Thursday AM. Rain is possible Friday night and Saturday so we'll figure the weekend out depending on how much rain we get.
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