Today's stats: 62°, 55° water, an gusty offshore breeze that was coming and going, 2 to 3 foot surf and water that was flat to choppy. It was warm on the beach except when the thin high clouds hid the sun.
I tried to catch something unusual in this photo but the camera didn't capture the color well. Taken at 10:30, in the center of the photo are the hills and tall sand dunes that are west of Guadalupe. The clouds behind the dunes were bright pink, as if the sun was rising behind them, but the sun was almost at its zenith and way to the right. It is a mystery.
Tom Lorish after his swim, before we got in.
On the beach today were Duke, Niel, Tom Israel, Tom Lorish, David, Pete and Bianca.
Duke would do his short swim. This was Bianca's first ocean swim so she and Pete would get in and swim as long as the fun lasted. David, Tom I. and I would swim down the beach to the point and back to the creek mouth by some route before returning to the Avila Pier. David left us at the creek mouth and swam out and around the end of the Avila Pier before coming in.

This coming week I'll swim Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 AM and next Sunday at 11.
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