Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday, August 17th, 2024

The morning fog is still with us. Avila was really socked in this morning so we planned a swim along the buoy line with loops around the pier. The air was warmer at 56°, the water was about the same at 56°, the surf was a bit larger, the swell was negligible, there was no wind and the water was glassy. 
Niel, Paula, Jodi, Matt and Tom Israel got in at 7. Tom expressed his odd sense of fun and went bareback. We did a lap of the east buoys, went around the pier and to the 4th buoy on the west.  At this point the fog had thinned sufficiently that changed jour plans and continued on to the first crossbars on the Poly Pier, swam up the pier (why does the direction towards the ocean end of the pier seem like up?) to the second crossbars and to the end of the Avila Pier. Tom and Matt went in. Jodi, Niel and Paula swam to the 4th buoy on the east side, back along the buoys to #1 and in.   

Tom, Jodi, Paula Matt and Niel at the 4th buoy near Fossil Point. 

Adventure Swims Report -

Paula did the 2.7 mile Donner Lake Swim on 8/10 and recently did 7K in Lake Tahoe as part of her training for the Horsetooth 10K swim near Ft. Colling, CO on 9/8. 
Matt will do an Alcatraz swim next weekend. 
Tom Israel and some buddies from San Diego will do the Maui Channel Relay at the end of this month. 

For those of you who know Rob Doumouchel, awesome open water swimmer and recent city manager of Homer, AK., he is now living in Juneau, AK. and working for the city. Juneau has a population of 30,000 (Homer has 3,000), is that capital of Alaska and is accessible only by plane or boat. 
Swimming with glaciers.
In the water at Auke Lake 

I'll swim tomorrow at 11


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