Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday, August 11th, 2024

Back In The Water -

We spent this past week in Portland, OR. so I've missed a few swims and it was very nice to be back at the Big Pool.
It was 60° with thick overcast and fog when I arrived. The surf was 1 to 2 foot and there was a small chop.  The Harbor Patrol safety boat was just a blur along the buoy line.        
Before I got in I spoke to Tom Lorish after he had gotten out. He had done his Three Peaks swim which kept him in close. I think that swim included three passes at the end of the Avila Pier but I'm not sure about the rest of the route.  
I decided to do two triangles with a finishing lap around the pier. The water felt very nice, I measured the temp as 59°. Half way into the first lap the sun came out and the wind and chop picked up. The chop was coming from the east which is unusual for this time of the year. 
View of the lumpiness looking east from the end of the Avila Pier.

I had a very nice swim and a lunch break afterwards. With the sun out the air temp was up to 75°.

I'll swim Tuesday and Thursday morning's at 7 and hopefully at 7 on Saturday and 11 on Sunday. I've an appointment with my dermatologist on Thursday and he sees anything he need to freeze or remove I'll be beached until I'm healed up.


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