Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

Tom's Swim Report -

Beautiful morning at Avila. 62° air temperature, blue skies, and a slight breeze coming from the southwest. The water was mostly calm and flat with a slight bump. It was 57 in most spots, with the occasional 56 and 58. Aquatic microclimates.  Excellent swim conditions.  A rhetorical question: is it just me, or does it seem like they have been working on the same spot on the pier for about 10 months or more?  I can't quite work out what they have done or needed to do that would take that long. The only thing I can think of is that that is the exact spot where 80% of the waves break into the pilings and they are replacing everything. 

Tom - When the construction to repair the pier reached the area far enough offshore to where the larger waves would keep the decking wet they found that the pilings, cap beams and decking were all water damaged and needed replacing.  Repairs of this extent were not in the report about the condition of the pier that was provided by the Harbor District's consulting engineer and was not in the projected costs or timeline. So, yes, they have been working on the same area of the pier for many months.


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