Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday, August 18th, 2024


Fog and Big Fish Today -

The Harbor Patrol confirmed the sighting of a shark over near the port mid day yesterday so the sharky signs will be up for a few days.
Tom Lorish had gotten in at 9 and stayed along the buoys. I wanted something shortish and relaxing today.  I spoke with the lifeguards and decided that sticking to the buoy line was a good plan.  

The air temp was 66° when I arrived and 75° when I left. At 11 there was some sun over near the port while Fossil Point was lost in the murk. By 11:30 it was sunny in Avila and very nice. The water was 59°. The water had a small bump on it but there was no wind.  Occasionally the surf was 3'. Despite the prevalence of seals and sea lions suffering from toxic algae the water still looks clean with no sign of the nasty red brown color it usually has in summer. One of the lifeguards told me that he had been spear fishing near Fossil Point and the deeper he went the nastier the water quality was.

I had a nice relaxing swim and a pleasant lunch on the beach.

The sharky signs should be down Tuesday morning. I'm planning on swimming on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 and next Sunday at 11. 


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