Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday, May 24th, 2022


Mr. Lindsay predicted that we would be having June Gloom and he was correct. It was solid overcast at Avila Beach, 52° with a slight wind and a short period swell that would make for some messy swimming conditions. The best news was that the water was 57°, a number that I have not recorded in over 6 months. Even with the gloom today would be a nice swim.      

I switched up my schedule today and got in the water at 7 and was able to get home and start work an hour earlier.  Hummm, there might be something wrong with my plan. I was able to beat the wind. Tom got in at 9 and said that it was really blowing for his swim. 

At the reef buoy. 
Today was my first time with my GoPro camera. It defaults to a wider angle view and a more square format than my recently departed Ricoh, so the blog will have a different look.
The quality of the pictures is very nice.   

I've no meeting this Thursday so I'll try getting in at 7 again. 


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